Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Let's talk Wasaga Beach Politics

Now that the Provincial election is over, I can get back to taking a look at what's happening in Wasaga Beach Politics.

Beach area 1 and 2 been on the minds of the community and council. The town has held public meetings on coming up with a vision for the beach area and beyond. It seems that not much has changed from what I've seen. They still want to go ahead with an indoor water park, have an area for outdoor concerts, more trees, more stores, and even low rise condo's. According to our Mayor, Cal Patterson the properties that are still in the hands of the bankruptcy trustee from the Levy days, but Patterson says that the deal to sell the properties will close on November 10th, 2011 failing any sort of last minute snags. It seems the person who's purchasing the property is the same guy who sold the property to the Levy's in the first place. On top of that the word on the street is that they are related by marriage. If true nothing like keeping it in the family as they say. Let's hope that they will do something with the beach area once and for all. As the town does nothing to promote the beach area, except spend $ 50,000 a year which can't do much these days.

Now let's put on the warden hat for Cal Patterson and see what he's been up to lately. Warden Patterson lost his bid to have garbage pick-up across Simcoe County move from weekly to bi-weekly with a one bag limit. Any additional bag would have cost an additional $ 2.00. Patterson kept saying that we need to move to bi-weekly pick-up with a 1 bag limit as our landfills are becoming full. Really Cal, do you think by moving to bi-weekly garbage pick-up with a 1 bag limit was going to help? This stupid plan would have resulted in illegal dumping of garbage, and in the end it would have cost the county more to pick up garbage. Thankfully the rest of county members of council defeated his plan.

Anyway not much else to report from Wasaga Beach Council, so let's hope one of our fine members of council do something really stupid in the next little while. It's just getting boring to keep reporting on Cal Patterson all the time.

Until next time!


  1. $50k/year that it doesn't track. Also, our mayor is surprised by how much land the town owns. After 10 years as mayor plus his previous years as deputy mayor and councillor, he should never be surprised about anything the town owns.
    The town likes to say proudly that they run this town like a business. Any business I know that doesn't know what they own and doesn't track expenses doesn't stay in business long.

  2. Our money, their friends, and that's how they run a town. I also heard, and this has not been confirmed that one of the town planners is related to the guy who's buying up the beach property. So if true then we have a connection to the new owners from both the town and the Levy brothers.
